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Please do NOT re-post VIBRANT MOMMA original Recipes.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

postheadericon Match Tea Powder

Drink it
Bake with it
Put it in a smoothie.
It's SUPER good for you~

Monday, June 4, 2012

postheadericon Buckwheat Crepes filled with Sunbutter, Bananas and Honey

We are on a 7 day rotational eating plan and once a week our grain of the day is Buckwheat.  I came up with the recipe using Buckwheat and Arrowroot starch and it was a BIG hit with the kids and daddy. They reminded me of the crepes I used to eat in Harijuku Japan that were filled with ice-cream, sauce and any other fixings you would like. Of course we  had to try them with dairy free hazelnut ice cream that night and YUM! Success. 
Saturday, March 31, 2012

postheadericon Food Family Printable List

Here a link to a printable FOOD FAMILY LIST

You can view more info on how this blogger uses this list HERE
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

postheadericon Gluten Cross Reaction

I have been having many of the same symptoms to gluten free grains as to gluten containing foods. This may be the reason Gluten Cross Reaction.  Here is an article on this subject  
Here is a link to a more extensive explanation of Gluten Cross Reaction
Food Cross Reaction in Detail

postheadericon Treatment for Food Allergies

Well unfortunately with my pregnancy my food intolerances have become even greater. So, I am on an all out hunt to further investigate links and triggers to my many food issues. Here is an interesting article on Treatment for Food Allergies
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

postheadericon Vegan Creamed Spinach

Today I had a couple of pounds of frozen spinach I needed to use up as well, as some purple cabbage from my garden.

Not really having a game plan I started to saute the Cabbage in Grape-seed oil with salt & pepper.  A few minutes later I added the squeezed out thawed Spinach.  I added some more kosher salt and took a taste, too bland so I added a good amount of Balsalmic Vinegar**, Cumin and some Braggs Liquid Amino Acids. It started tasting savory, but was lacking something. I started to look at the Spinach and started remembering the taste of yummy creamed spinach, but since dairy was out of the question I had to improvise.

I decided to make a simple Hummus using
  • 1 canned Garbanzo Beans
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Grape-Seed oil to make a nice pasty consistency (I normally use Sesame oil, but I was out)
  • 1 TB of Tahini (You could substitute with Sesame Oil if you don't have Tahini)
  • Red Wine Vinegar to give a nice tang, this also acts as a preservative if storing in fridge. **
  • salt/pepper

Next, I stirred the Hummus into the Spinach Mixture just until heated and what it produced was a very creamy like texture in the Spinach very similar to Creamed Spinach, only much more flavorful.

I served this over Mung Bean Noodles that were seasoned.  My kids LOVED it and my 23 month old finicky veggie eater, asked for seconds before I even ate 1/3 of my meal!  All the kids were disappointed that I didn't make enough for seconds, but it was just a light lunch and I had more food cooking on the stove, so they weren't going to starve. I was just happy that the enjoyed my version of VEGAN CREAMED SPINACH :)

**Note: Everywhere vinegar was used, you may substitute lemon juice very successfully.
Monday, February 20, 2012

postheadericon Warm Healthy Drink for Sick Season

Health Tip: It's sicky season and chances are you have a sick child in your midst or an adult. I have a great soothing drink for a cough, bronchitis or virus. 
In a pot bring to boil, Silk Coconut Milk (45% daily allowance for calcium) + the rich milk solids in a can of coconut milk, 
 add in cardamon about 1/4-1/2 tsp depending how much milk you add, 
add a dash of nutmeg and a few dashes of cinnamon.
Good amount of HONEY, RAW is best or less Agave.  Honey in its raw state has a lot of medicinal qualities.( But do NOT add sugar which surpresses the immune system)
 Simmer for a few minutes and let it cool down some and serve warm. 
Cardamon is excellent as anti-inflammatory for a sore throat, the coconut solids contain antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, the cinnamon is a wonder spice too, but don't add too much. The nutmeg is more for flavor, but it has benefits also in Ayurvedic Medicine. When you have a cold or congestion cut out all dairy products, including caffeine and simple sugars which decrease your immune system. You can make this without the canned coconut, but using it does add extra health benefits and it makes this soothing drink taste just like a drinkable Custard Pie! Enjoy! The kids love it and so do I :)
You can also CLICK HERE to see a recipe that looks worth a try :)

From my Kitchen to Yours
